5 Easy Home Remedies for Teeth Whitening

Everyone dreams of having white teeth. However, not everyone can pay for expensive professional dental care for teeth whitening. Besides pricey alternatives such as chair-side bleaching, veneer, crowns, bonding, or dentist supervised gel, there are affordable alternatives that you can make at home. Here are some home remedies you can try:

1. Using strawberries.

Cut a strawberry in half, then apply it onto your teeth and leave it on for about ten minutes. Afterwards, brush your teeth immediately with toothpaste to get rid of the leftover sugar and acid which can erode the tooth enamel.

2. Using hydrogen peroxide.

You can whiten your teeth using hydrogen peroxide by applying it directly to your teeth with a cotton swab. Rub your teeth gently but be careful not to get too much contact with your gum as hydrogen peroxide can create a burning sensation. Or, if you can stand it, gargling with hydrogen peroxide is also safe as long as you don't swallow it. You will see the results within a few weeks.

3. Using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.

Take the lid of the hydrogen peroxide bottle (or any small container) and fill half of it with baking soda and add some hydrogen peroxide. Stir them well until forming a paste-like mixture. Wait about 2 minutes until the paste thickens up. Brush your teeth with the paste and rinse with lukewarm water afterwards. Any contact of the mixture with your gum, lips, or tongue can create burning sensation or turn them into pink or white. Do not worry since the effect is only temporary.

4. Using a mixture of strawberry, baking soda, lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide.

Mash a strawberry with a fork, add baking soda, lemon juice, and hydrogen peroxide to form a mixture. Apply the mixture onto your teeth using a toothbrush. Do not use your daily toothbrush as the strawberry seeds will be very hard to clean from the brush. Leave the mixture on for five minutes then rinse. Floss your teeth to remove any remaining strawberry seeds. Make sure to immediately brush your teeth with toothpaste after applying this paste since sugar from the strawberry and acid from the lemon juice can weaken the tooth enamel.

5. Using hard wood ash.

Hard wood ash contains potassium hydroxide which can help whiten your teeth. You can either apply it directly onto your teeth using a toothbrush, or you can mix it with your toothpaste. Potassium hydroxide also helps to remove stubborn plaque. However, you should not use hard wood ash for long periods of time since frequent use can weaken the tooth enamel. By 


  1. There square measure different choices out there that may give a Hollywood smile once lightening treatments disappoint. for example, veneers will fully resurface a smile, providing unimaginable results, for more information click here palm beach gardens dentist.

  2. Personally, I do not recommend hydrogen peroxide for whitening your teeth. Two years ago, I tried to remove my stubborn plaque and tooth stain using it, but I ended up burning my gums. It was horrible, that incident pushed me to visit my cosmetic dentist in Beverly Hills again after my TMJ operation.
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  3. Hard wood ash? Is that for real? I can't believe that it can help in teeth whitening. http://www.esteticomanila.com/our-doctors/dr-joseph-v-jagoring/

  4. very informative blog. Thanks for sharing your experience.

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  5. I feel like you can leave the hydrogen peroxide out of the mixture to keep things a little more healthy for your teeth. Hard wood ash... That's a new one for me!

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